Before The Wall


Before the wall was built it was the second world war. The Russians were coming in from the right and the Allies from the left. The Allies and the Soviets (Russians) met in the middle of Germany. Hooray the war is over! or was it? The allies and Soviets had to share Germany. So it was decided that the French would get a bit, the English would get a bit and the US would get a bit. The Soviets got all of the right of Germany because they were only one country. Soon after the Soviets would build a wall and it would be called the "Berlin Wall". This all happened at the end of the second world war.(1945) The Soviets armies were closing in on the German capital, Berlin. Hitler must have realised his time was up. On 30 April 1945 he poisoned his dog and his wife-then shot himself. With Hitler dead Germany surrendered.